Tag "United States"

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U.S. builds fan base in Cuba, aims at regime change


U.S. government agents have long struck at Cuba’s infrastructure, economy, leaders, and population. Such attacks have accentuated recently

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UN General Assembly again condemns US anti-Cuban blockade


The United Nations General Assembly on November 1 once more backed a Cuban resolution calling upon the United States to end its anti-Cuban U.S. economic, financial and commercial blockade

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The US teachers strike in historical perspective


In the US, a teachers’ strike is spreading from one red state to another. It began in West Virginia when 34,000 teachers walked out on February 22 2018

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OPCW confirms Sarin exposure during the explosion that took place in Idlib


The explosion that took place in Idlib last April 4th has been followed 48 hours later by a missiles strike of United States, with 59 Tomahawk missiles sent to the Syrian aerial base

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Saudi Arabia and the prequel of the endless War


Where there is oil there is wealth. Where there is wealth there is corruptive power. Where there are oil and weapons, the situation becomes incandescent: Saudi Arabia is the fourth country in the world for military spending, over $ 80 billion in 2014

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