Tag "Recep Tayyip Erdogan"

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Elezioni in Turchia. Le città contro Erdogan, l’Akp perde Ankara e Istanbul


Elezioni amministrative, il partito di governo annuncia ricorsi. Prima sconfitta elettorale in 17 anni: il Chp vince grazie all’appoggio dell’Hdp. Ma il presidente mantiene il controllo delle istituzioni e dell’esercito

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Turchia alle urne, minaccia di annullamento per il voto delle città


Oggi le amministrative. L’Akp rischia a Smirne, Istanbul e Ankara. Erdogan annuncia: sindaci eletti destituiti se «legati al terrorismo»

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Another Soul on IceTurkey’s Ongoing Attack on ‘Freedom’


Ahmet Altan, 69 year old writer… is in cell in Silivri Prison, on the outskirts of Istanbul

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Understanding Turkish Expansionism: Impose a No Fly Zone!


Turkey has been occupying Cyprus, parts of Syria and Iraq and has continued to violate the air space of its neighbors.
Turkey is killing Kurdish civilians on an almost daily basis

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Turkey’s Erdogan facing resistance to his dictatorial rule


“Democracy is like a tram; you get off when you have reached your destination.” The comment by Recep Tayyip Erdogan – made more than 20 years ago when he was first elected mayor of Istanbul – sums up the Machiavellian cynicism of Turkey’s authoritarian president

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“A Difficult Year in Turkey”? You’re tellin’ me…


International Observatory of Human Rights have added to the long list of the country’s human rights violations in their recent 2018 in Review: Human Rights Violations in Turkey

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Sostegno internazionale delle donne per Leyla Guven, da 87 giorni in sciopero della fame


Turchia. La parlamentare dell’Hdp Guven continua lo sciopero della fame dopo il rilascio e continua a chiedere la fine dell’isolamento del leader del Pkk Ocalan

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Terrorism policing: the YPG/YPJ, an ally abroad but a danger at home?


The erratic treatment members of the YPG/YPJ receive at the hands of Europe’s counterterrorism networks doesn’t look set to change in the near future

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Ankara’s only goal in Syria is exterminating Kurds


Attacking Rojava means the end of Turkish-Kurdish peace chances

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Is there not something absurd (if not for the cost in human suffering) in Turkey’s ruling coalition’s deep seated venom for the social and cultural presence of this not-Turkish people?

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Sulla pelle dei curdi hanno costruito un capolavoro di menzogne


Le bugie, anche quelle effimere, a Trump sono necessarie per uscire dal pantano mediorientale. Come era già avvenuto nei giorni scorsi con la missione di Bolton in Israele

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Le vite parallele di Erdogan e Assad e l’Occidente sconfitto


Guerra in Siria. C’è una coppia vincente di raìs mediorientali che, almeno in apparenza, comincia l’anno in gloria, come molti, soltanto qualche anno fa, forse non avrebbero mai immaginato

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“Imperialism Has No Friends”


Two strategies, one goal: the United States and the Kurdish movement in Syria

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“As local elections in Turkey loom, reckless war-mongering begins”


Speaking at the Turkish Defense Industry Summit, Erdoğan has announced that an operation would begin within days towards the East of Euphrates in North Syria

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“Turkey’s attack on Rojava resuscitates ISIS” (Kurdish National Congress)


The Executive Council of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) released a statement on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s continued threats against Northern Syria

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ENOUGH WAR ! Time for Democracy in Turkey?


Wednesday, December 12, Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, announced plans for his new military adventure against the Kurds

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Against the ECHR judgment, the AKP has accelerated its pursuit for a move to ‘finish the job’


Political pressure has already begun for the Appeal Court to hear and uphold the Istanbul Aggravated Felony Court’s completely unlawful sentence of 4-year-and-8-months imprisonment ruled last month in the case where I was tried with my colleague Sırrı Süreyya Önder

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“Release Selahattin Demirtaş, Turkey!” European Court of Human Rights


In November 2016, Selahattin Demirtaş, along with 12 other HDP (Halkların Demokratik Partisi) members of the Turkish parliament were arrested on ‘terror’-related charges for which he currently faces up to 142 years imprisonment if convicted

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Multa della Corte europea a Erdogan: la Turchia rilasci Demirtas, leader dell’Hdp


Turchia. In prigione da due anni e 10 giorni, non è mai andato a processo: su di lui accuse da 142 anni di galera

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