Tag "PFLP"

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Israele. Il palestinese Walid Daqqa morto in cella per tumore e mancate cure


38 anni dietro le sbarre. In carcere ha scritto romanzi e saggi. La figlia di 4 anni, concepita di “contrabbando”, è già nei registri dei servizi israeliani. Amnesty: «La sua morte è un crudele promemoria della sistematica incuria medica israeliana»

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 ON A DAY THIS WEEK, IN JULY 1972, Ghassan Kanafani 0


On a day this week, July 8 1972, the Palestinian social revolutionary and writer, spokesperson for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP),  died in Beirut, murdered by the Israeli intelligence services – Mossad

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Leila Khaled, addresses the Third Congress of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)


Leila Khaled, a long-time member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) attended the Third Congress of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) that was held in Ankara last Sunday

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