Tag "Northern Syria"

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World Kobanê Day and the revolution in Rojava 0


On 1st November 2014, millions of people around the world took to the streets to express their solidarity with the heroic resistance of Kobanê

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The Turkish state has launched an aerial bombardment against northern Syria

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Syrian people suffer after Pyrrhic victory


I took on the habit of walking through the streets of my city, Damascus, every day, particularly during the night. I love to stare into the faces and eyes of its people

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Terrorism policing: the YPG/YPJ, an ally abroad but a danger at home?


The erratic treatment members of the YPG/YPJ receive at the hands of Europe’s counterterrorism networks doesn’t look set to change in the near future

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Ankara’s only goal in Syria is exterminating Kurds


Attacking Rojava means the end of Turkish-Kurdish peace chances

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Why are 162 Kurdish political prisoners on hunger strike?


Sarah Glynn, committee member of Scottish Solidarity with Kurdistan, explains the context behind a mass hunger strike in Turkish prisons

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# RiseUp4Rojava – Call for global days of action on 27 and 28 January 2019


#RiseUp4Rojava – Defending the revolution together – Call for Global Days of Action on 27 and 28 January 2019

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“Imperialism Has No Friends”


Two strategies, one goal: the United States and the Kurdish movement in Syria

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“Urgent Appeal – Our Demands” (Kurdistan National Congress)


The Turkish state’s threats and preparations for a full-scale military attack against and occupation of Rojava (Northern Syria) are intensifying

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“We defend Northern Syria and Rojava because we defend a world without fascism and patriarchy”


Erdogan and the AKP- MHP fascists have shown with the recent bombings of already displaced people in the camp in Maxmur and Yazidis in Şengal their will to invade also Rojava/Northern Syria

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TEV-DEM: Peoples will resist


TEV-DEM reaffirmed the resistance that the people of Northern Syria will display against the occupation threats

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Turkey’s Hour of Reckoning in Syria


Secretary of Defence James Mattis dropped a bombshell by innocuously slipping in that the US military intends to set up a string of observation posts on the Syrian-Turkish border

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“Turkey’s attack on Rojava resuscitates ISIS” (Kurdish National Congress)


The Executive Council of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) released a statement on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s continued threats against Northern Syria

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FRENCH HELP FOR ROJAVA? Interview with Rêdur Xelil


On Thursday, a delegation from northern Syria and Rojava was received by French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace in Paris. Rêdur Xelil, SDF foreign affairs official, gave details of the meeting in an interview with ANF.

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Federal Democratic Union of Rojava/Northern Syria


Statement issued on 17th March 2016 by the Constituent Council for The Federal System in Rojava/Northern Syria

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