Tag "Nasrin Sotoudeh"

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Iran. Alessia nel carcere speciale di Evin, le scuole in rivolta


Costruito nel 1972 e gestito dalla Savak, oggi è prigione per i detenuti politici e gli iraniani con doppia cittadinanza accusati di spionaggio. La trentenne italiana avrebbe chiamato i suoi da Evin

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Iran – Ongoing Vendetta against Nasrin Sotoudeh 0


On September 26, Nasrin Sotoudeh, with her health deteriorating, broke her hunger strike, which had been ongoing since August 11 in defence of Iran’s political prisoners

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Update on Nasrin Sotoudeh – Hunger Striking Iranian Rights Campaigner 0


Nasrin Sotoudeh, the Iranian human rights lawyer serving 38 years in prison for  constantly and courageously standing up to and challenging the Islamic Republic of Iran, has now been on hunger strike since August 11

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Nasrin Sotoudeh Takes On Iranian Regime (…once again) 0


Nasrin Sotoudeh, the Iranian human rights lawyer last year sentenced to 38 years in prison (and 158 lashes) by the Islamic Republic of Iran, has this week managed to post a statement from her prison cell

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Iran: Abusive forced veiling laws police women’s lives


Under the country’s compulsory veiling laws, women and girls – even those as young as seven – are forced to cover their hair with a headscarf against their will. Women who do not are treated as criminals by the state.

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Iran – Protest amid Darkness


This week saw more confrontation in Iran when students in Tehran organized a protest against the regime’s insistence that women wear mandatory headscarves in public

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Why is the Islamic Republic of Iran afraid of Nasrin Sotoudeh


Nasrin Sotoudeh, a leading Iranian human rights lawyer, was sentenced to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes because of her work defending women’s rights and protesting against the country’s forced hijab laws

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Iran. Condannata a 38 anni di carcere e 148 frustate Nasrin, l’avvocata delle donne


Condannata da Raisi, il «boia» iraniano degli anni ’80, con la benedizione di Ali Khamenei. Sotoudeh è da anni in prima linea contro l’obbligo del velo e la pena di morte

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L’ira delle ragazze di Teheran “Esecuzioni e sfregi non riusciranno a fermarci”


Dopo la morte di Reyhaneh e gli attacchi con l’acido il governo vieta i cortei. Ma la rivolta dilaga nel web

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