Tag "Leila Khaled"

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“Your Struggle is Mine”: Revolutionary Letters to Leyla Güven


On February 11, HDP MP Leyla Güven, was on the 96th day of her hunger strike protesting against the isolation of the PKK’s (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) imprisoned leader Abdullah Öcalan

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Leila Khaled, addresses the Third Congress of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)


Leila Khaled, a long-time member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) attended the Third Congress of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) that was held in Ankara last Sunday

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Leila Khaled: «Trump non riuscirà a cancellare la Gerusalemme palestinese»


Intervista all’attivista e membro del Pflp Leila Khaled: «È morta l’illusione sulla natura di Israele, progetto coloniale e razzista: la sola via d’uscita è una società laica e democratica»

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