Tag "Kurdistan"

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Erdogan, Trump e «Giuseppi»


Ora il presidente turco, già sponda economica e logistica dell’Isis – proprio mentre la roccaforte jihadista di Idlib non è ancora caduta -, può andare alla guerra totale contro quelli che chiama «i terroristi curdi»

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Trump green-lights Turkish invasion of NE Syria and the destruction of hope


Sarah Glynn, co-convener of Scottish Solidarity with Kurdistan, argues that the United States’ backing of a Turkish offensive into Syria must be opposed

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“Resisteremo al golpe di Erdogan”. Intervista con il presidente dell’HDP


Sezai Temelli è co-presidente del Partito democratico dei popoli, HDP, e deputato al parlamento turco

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UK actress Maxine Peake sent message to World Day Rally in Amed


Maxine Peake was part of the 2019 International Peace Delegation to İmralı which earlier this year, from 11-16 February 2019, traveled to Turkey and the Turkish region of Kurdistan

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Sinn Féin MEP Anderson condemns Turkish trustees decision


“The EU, who provide funding to Turkey, must end its silence on Turkish state oppression against the Kurdish people and their democratically elected representatives,” said Sinn Féin MEP Anderson

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Suspended HDP co-mayor call for international support


Selcuk Mizrakli, the illegally suspended mayor of Amed has issued a call to the international community

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Idlib nelle mani di Assad, confronto fra truppe turche e siriane


Dopo la conquista di Khan Sheikhoun, l’esercito siriano è sul punto di prendere il controllo di tutta la regione di Idlib, rimasta per anni nelle mani di migliaia di miliziani jihadisti

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Turchia. Il governo caccia i sindaci Hdp, commissariato anche Diyarbakir


Il governo sostituisce i co-leader eletti il 31 marzo, stessa politica usata nel 2015 e 2016 contro 95 municipalità curde. L’accusa: legami con il Pkk

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HDP executives: We won’t accept this coup!


Amed Metropolitan Municipality co-mayor Selçuk Mızraklı and HDP Deputy Meral Danış Beştaş stated that they do not recognize the trustee: “Everyone should take responsibility.”

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418 people detained following AKP seizure of municipalities


At least 418 people were taken into custody in 29 cities in the latest wave of operations ordered by the Ankara regime targeting HDP municipalities

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HDP: We will not be silenced, we will not be stopped”


We publish below the press release by the HDP about the seizure by the AKP regime of the municipalities of Amed, Mardin and Van

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Erdogan’s regime seized Amed, Mardin and Van municipalities


Co-mayors of Amed, Mardin and Van municipalities were removed from office and the municipalities were placed under police blockade

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HDP deputies touring Argentina


HDP deputies Ebru Gunay and Gato Paylan visited the Central of Workers of Argentina (Autonomous CTA) after the conference they gave in a packed room in the Senate

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Siria, accordo Erdogan-Trump: una «safe zone» contro curdi ed Assad


Pace fatta tra Erdogan e Trump a spese di Damasco. L’intesa tra Ankara e Washington blocca le aspirazioni curde e indebolisce la Siria

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I tre fronti aperti di Erdogan: il primo nel Rojava


la Turchia si accorda per una safe zone in Siria con Washington, poi si accorda con Mosca per ritirare i jihadisti da Idlib in cambio di mano libera contro i curdi. Gli unici a pagare i giochi internazionali

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Member of the European Parliament, Julie Ward, sent a letter to UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, urging him to make representations to the Turkish government regarding the threat to Hasankeyf and the negative impacts of the Ilisu Dam

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The Rojava Revolution and the role of Women


All the different ethnic and beliefs in Rojava and Northern Syria joined the 19 July Revolution with their own features and identities

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Seven years ago, the Rojava Revolution


Looking at the path to revolution and renewing our historical memory could prove to be educational to understand the greatness of today’s revolution and the solution to the Syrian crisis

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