Tag "Kurdistan"

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Allush: DAESH prisoners exist, they are people and we need a solution


Zozan Allush, co-chair of the Humanitarian Affair Council of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria, said that developing a solution for the wives and children of DAESH mercenaries is part of the fight against DAESH.

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Rebuilding on quicksand


Challenges posed by the geopolitical jigsaw in Syria’s north-east are putting an unprecedented social experiment on the brink

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La guerra infinita nella Siria dei «buchi neri»


Dal buco nero di Al Baghouz vediamo emergere, insieme a centinaia di cadaveri di donne e vittime yazide nelle fosse comuni, i prigionieri dell’Isis e le loro famiglie

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The Democratic Nation Paradigm


This text was translated from subtitles of a Youtube video in Arabic that has since been deleted, on 27 October 2016

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Understanding Turkish Expansionism: Impose a No Fly Zone!


Turkey has been occupying Cyprus, parts of Syria and Iraq and has continued to violate the air space of its neighbors.
Turkey is killing Kurdish civilians on an almost daily basis

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Turkey’s Erdogan facing resistance to his dictatorial rule


“Democracy is like a tram; you get off when you have reached your destination.” The comment by Recep Tayyip Erdogan – made more than 20 years ago when he was first elected mayor of Istanbul – sums up the Machiavellian cynicism of Turkey’s authoritarian president

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“A Difficult Year in Turkey”? You’re tellin’ me…


International Observatory of Human Rights have added to the long list of the country’s human rights violations in their recent 2018 in Review: Human Rights Violations in Turkey

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Sostegno internazionale delle donne per Leyla Guven, da 87 giorni in sciopero della fame


Turchia. La parlamentare dell’Hdp Guven continua lo sciopero della fame dopo il rilascio e continua a chiedere la fine dell’isolamento del leader del Pkk Ocalan

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“We have work to do”. ‘Only in Rojava’, for the people of Rojava


Irish poet Séamas Carraher once more puts into words, the feelings and emotions difficult to express with the articulated sound

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PACE calls on Turkey to release Leyla Güven


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) met on Monday and Tuesday in Strasbourg

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The theory and practice of the Kurdish Women’s Movement: an interview in Diyarbakir


One of the undisputed achievements of the Kurdish movement in Turkey and Syria is the advancement of women in social, economic, and political domains of life

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Swiss MP says Turkey selling looted Syrian olive oil to fund militia


Swiss lawmaker Bernhard Guhl has informed authorities that Turkey could be exporting olive oil plundered in Syria in its military op there, but then being labelled as Turkish

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One Year on From Afrin, and now East of the Euphrates: More War?


“The goal of the United States from delaying this agreement is to make room for Turkey to enter easily when the US withdraw from its military bases…” (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights)

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Terrorism policing: the YPG/YPJ, an ally abroad but a danger at home?


The erratic treatment members of the YPG/YPJ receive at the hands of Europe’s counterterrorism networks doesn’t look set to change in the near future

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Ankara’s only goal in Syria is exterminating Kurds


Attacking Rojava means the end of Turkish-Kurdish peace chances

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Sinn Fein MEP calls for international action for Leyla Guven


Sinn Féin MEP Martina Anderson has called for international action in support of Kurdish politician Leyla Guven who is currently on hunger strike and is now in critical condition

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Is there not something absurd (if not for the cost in human suffering) in Turkey’s ruling coalition’s deep seated venom for the social and cultural presence of this not-Turkish people?

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