Tag "Kurdistan"

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Kurdistan iracheno. Ucciso un diplomatico turco in un ristorante a Erbil


L’aggressore è fuggito. Chiuse le strade che portano fuori dalla capitale curdo-irachena. Nessuna rivendicazione ma la stampa punta al Pkk, target dei raid di Ankara a Qandil. Il movimento curdo nega

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Aydemir: Cinema helps to build Kurds’ collective memory


Interview with Hasim Aydemir, director of the film “14 Tirmeh” (14 July). The film is somehow a ‘first’ in that opened the way to bring to cinema the resistance and more in general the 40-year long struggle of the Kurdish people

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Final declaration of International Forum on ISIS


The International Forum on ISIS was organized by the Rojava Strategic Research Center (NRLS) in the Beylesan hall in Amude (province of Qamishlo, Rojava)

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DTK co-chair and HDP Hakkari MP Leyla Güven took her place in Parliament today


Democratic Society Congress (DTK) co-chair and HDP Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven, was sworn in and took her place in the Assembly

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Yazidi women speak at ISIS conference in Rojava


Heza Shengal went to Raqqa to fight and she joined the YJŞ. “For the Yazidi women the YJŞ became a great hope. It was the voice and answer of all Yazidi women who were bought and sold and subjected to persecution”

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International forum on ISIS opened in Amude


The international ISIS forum organized by the Rojava Strategic Research Center (NRLS) in Qamishlo’s Amude district started with hundreds of participants from around the globe

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Öcalan: The Third Way is the way


Asrın Law Office published a written statement about the meeting they had with their client, Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan on Imralı on June 18

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Turkey steps up military intervention in Iraq


Turkey’s main aim is to crush movements for democracy and Kurdish rights

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The AANES Remains the Only True Option for Peace, Stability, and Freedom in Syria


this democratic, rights-based polity, which was established in 2012 after the Assad regime left the area, remains the region’s best bet for stability, justice, and peace

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Global Action Day for Hasankeyf


On June 7 and 8 actions are planned in dozens of cities in Turkey and across Mesopotamia

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Turkey – Damned Again…


Turkey has continued to move further away from the European Union,” noted the commission in its annual report on enlargement, the European Commission’s  report on Ankara’s progress towards membership

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From Kurdistan to Great Britain – Why hunger strikes matter


It is only with our knowledge and understanding of our own history that we can see the impact hunger strikes can have in the fight against oppression and tyranny. Our own history of struggle has been shaped and redefined by these acts. That’s why hunger strikes matter, from Kurdistan to Great Britain

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With the spirit of the hunger strikers to the end of Turkish fascism


After 200 days of incomparable historical resistance, the hunger strikes in Kurdistan, Turkey and Europe have been declared over today

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Kurdish activists called off hunger strike following Öcalan’s message


Thousands of prisoners and activists around the world were on hunger strike demanding the end of the isolation against Abdullah Öcalan

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Lawyers visited Leyla Güven to convey Öcalan’s message to the hunger strikers


Öcalan’s lawyers have visited DTK Co-chair and HDP MP Leyla Güven who has been on an indefinite hunger strike for 198 days demanding the end of the isolation regime executed against Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan

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Remembering the Nakba – building Democratic Confederalism


On the 15th May 2019 we write to remember the struggle in Palestine and to call for building democratic confederalism all over the Middle East

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Avvocati confermano incontro con Abdullah Ocalan


Dopo 8 anni di permessi di visita negati, gli avvocati del leader kurdo Abdullah Ocalan hanno potuto incontrarsi con lui nel carcere di massima sicurezza di Imrali lo scorso 2 maggio

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Turkey – Hunger Strikes. HDP writes letter to the international community on death fasts


Peoples’ Democratic Party vice co-chair Hişyar Özsoy wrote a letter to the international community regarding the 15 political prisoners who have turned their hunger strike into a “death fast”

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 “Where is your voice?”A political prisoner’s letter to humanity


Murat Türk, born 1976 in Amed (Diyarbakır), is a former guerrilla fighter from Kurdistan. 24 years ago, he was imprisoned by the Turkish state

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