Tag "Kurdistan"

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La comunità internazionale tace sui crimini di Erdogan e Trump


Covid e guerre. Lasciare i crimini di Trump ed Erdogan senza reazioni forti ed efficaci significa contribuire alla perdita della capacità immunologica dei popoli della Terra di resistere e combattere i crimini dei potenti

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An interview with YPG/YPJ commander Meryem Kobane, on the anniversary of the Rojava Revolution – PART ONE


On the occasion of the 8th Year of the Rojava Revolution, we spoke with Meryem Kobane, one of the YPG/YPJ commanders who not only defended Kobane in 2015, inflicting a heavy defeat to ISIS, but who is also a leading figure in the Rojava Revolution

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3 August must be recognized as the “International Day of Action Against Femicide and Genocide” 0


This week marks the 6th anniversary of the August 3, 2014 massacre in Iraq’s Sinjar region of the Yazidi community by the so-called Islamic State as they swept into northern Iraq in 2014

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Interview with Hawzhin Azeez about Kurdish responses to COVID-19 in Rojava and Rojhelat 0


Dr. Jeff Miley interviews Dr. Hawzhim Azeez of the Center for Gender and Development Studies at the American University of Iraq in Sulaimani about Kurdish responses to COVID-19 in the Kurdish region of Syria as well as the Kurdish region of Iran

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Make Rojava Green Again Call for Action Days on the 18th and 19th July 0


We call for two international days of action on the 18th and 19th of July 2020, against the bombing and invasion of Basûr (Southern Kurdistan, Iraq) and the occupation of Rojava regions by the Turkish army

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Turkish drones killed three women in Kobanê  0


On 23 June, three activists of the women’s movement in north-east Syria were killed as a result of a drone attack carried out by Turkey in the village of Helincê (Halinja) near Kobanê

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Macer Gifford. “The Ordinary Man who went to War Against ISIS” 0


Macer Gifford (Kurdish name) is the former British currency trader who fought with the Kurdish YPG militia against the Islamic State. Gifford fought with the YPG in 2015 and in 2016

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Interview: Civil Defense Forces commanders on community policing in North and East Syria 0


Zibeda Eli commands the Civil Defense Forces in Qamishlo and the Jazira region, while Samira Mihemed is the commander of the all-female Women’s Civil Defense Forces (HPC-Jin) in Qamishlo

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Erdogan apre un altro fronte e invade il Kurdistan iracheno


Medio Oriente. Non solo raid aerei, contro il Pkk inviati i soldati. Protesta Baghdad, Erbil in silenzio. Dal 1992 a oggi un’operazione dietro l’altra. Per nascondere le debolezze interne

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Iran – Still Executing Kurds


The Iranian regime, with its Revolutionary Guards at the helm, once again comes under international scrutiny for its disappearance and execution of political prisoners with little interest in due process

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Turkish government’s onslaught on the HDP continues amid the fight against the coronavirus


Between March 11 and May 10, the police intervened in 8 events organized to protest the government’s measures on the Covid-19 and 42 people were detained. In addition, an investigation was launched against two members of parliament for their critical statements on Covid-19 measures

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Water for Rojava


While the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s right-wing government continues to attack the Kurdish-led Rojava Revolution. One of its weapons of war is water

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Remember, Boycott Turkey, NOW!


The list of outrages perpetrated by the Turkish republic, under the authoritarian rule of Turkish President Erdoğan in recent years seem endless. The enormous silence surrounding these criminal acts is equally outrageous

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Turchia. Dopo Helin Bolek, muore anche Mustafa Kocak in sciopero della fame


In sciopero della fame da 297 giorni, condannato all’ergastolo aggravato senza prove, un altro membro della band marxista Grup Yorum è morto di protesta

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I ricatti di Erdogan e il contagio della vergogna


Erdogan ricatta gli europei minacciando ondate di profughi e non è detto che non lo possa fare anche in Libia dove tiene per il bavero il governo di Tripoli, sotto attacco del generale Khalifa Haftar, alleato dei russi

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Gli USA ora sostengono Erdogan in chiave anti-russa: Idlib non deve cadere


Nel triangolo Usa-Turchia-Russia per la divisione delle zone di influenza, Washington ha deciso di sparigliare inserendosi nelle crepe sempre più evidenti di quel dialogo tra Mosca e Ankara

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Outrage – and More Outrage …Lest we forget Hevrîn Khalaf


On 12 October 2019, Hevrîn Khalaf and her driver were killed by Turkish-backed Ahrar al-Sharqiya mercenaries near the M4 Motorway as part of the Turkish military invasion «Operation Spring Peace»

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Siria senza pace. A Idlib 21 uccisi nei raid e 350mila in fuga


Mai entrato in vigore il cessate il fuoco annunciato domenica da Russia e Turchia, Damasco bombarda la provincia siriana controllata dai jihadisti. Centinaia di migliaia di sfollati verso il confine turco, al freddo e senza aiuti

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“Şervano” – The song of resistance


The Kurdish people’s resistance against the invasion of northern and eastern Syria by the Turkish army and its proxies continues

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