Tag "Kurdistan"

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UPDATE: Ramin Hossein Panahi, How Long on Death Row..?


Ramin Hossein Panahi, a Kurdish activist, was sentenced to death in January 2018 by the Iranian regime

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Ritorno a Kobane – parte 3


A Kobane e nei suoi villaggi convivono autoctoni curdi e arabi, ma anche i profughi provenienti da Afrin o da Raqqa

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BOOK. ‘Your Freedom and Mine: Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Erdoğan’s Turkey’


Black Rose Books recently marked the release of ‘Your Freedom and Mine: Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Erdoğan’s Turkey’

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Los Desaparecidos – The Disappeared Turkish-Style


What must it be like (Mr. President), when the State forces its way into your life, your space, your home, seizes your children, takes them away from you and locks you up?

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AFRIN CIVILIANS “Between a rock and a hard place”


What is the fate of predominantly Kurdish civilians in the territories occupied by the Turkish state since August 2016?

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Return to Kobane – Part 2


Patrizia Fiocchetti has been in Kobane to open the Women’s Academy. Here the second part of her notes on the visit to the city

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Ritorno a Kobane – parte 2


Kobane, pur fungendo da retrovia agli scontri militari che si consumano in altre zone – come ad Afrin, è impegnata nel programma di ricostruzione non solo infrastrutturale e logistico ma prima di tutto sociale e umano

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Return to Kobane – Part One


Patrizia Fiocchetti has been in Kobane to open the Women’s Academy. Here is the first part of her feature about the journey

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Kobane, three years after the liberation


Patrizia Fiocchetti has gone back to Kobane three years after the liberation from DAESH and found a city full of life and activities

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Ritorno a Kobane


Un reportage di Patrizia Fiocchetti. ” Torno a Kobane tre anni dopo. E’ risorta a dispetto dell’embargo turco, dell’indifferenza dei potenti, della sottile inimicizia dei curdi iracheni”

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I poteri assoluti del turbo-nazionalista Erdogan


Patria e religione. Il consenso a Erdogan non viene meno, mentre cresce quello al’ultradestra dell’Mhp, i Lupi Grigi

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Turkish Presidential Candidate Demirtaş “We will continue to fight”


Selahattin Demirtaş, the party’s unsuccessful presidential candidate, released the following statement through his lawyers from his prison cell

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Turchia, Erdogan vince al primo turno e accresce il proprio potere personale


All’uomo che governa il Paese da 16 anni è andato più del 52% dei voti. Fermata una volontaria italiana: «Propaganda terrorista»

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Si vota in Turchia. La crisi del sistema Erdogan


Turchia. Oggi si vota, mezzo mondo con il fiato sospeso: dalla Nato all’Unione europea, da Mosca a Teheran. Sullo sfondo un’economia drogata che mostra ormai tutte le sue crepe

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Ramin Hossein Panahi, Iranian Kurd, Still on Death Row…?


Iran Human Rights warns that the execution of the Kurdish political prisoner, Ramin Hossein Panahi, may be carried out in the next few days

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Turkish Presidential Candidate Demirtaş: “I am running for president in Turkey, from my prison cell”


“The only hope for a liberal, democratic future lies in our coming together to defeat the authoritarian regime.” Selahattin Demirtaş

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Si vota in Turchia, in tv c’è soltanto Erdogan, il monitoraggio è autogestito


Turchia. Oltre 180 ore sulla rete pubblica, 32 minuti per Demirtas. Cacciati due osservatori Osce. Si vota domani, opposizioni e media indipendenti si organizzano contro i brogli

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HDP Kürkçü: Future of Turkish democracy at stake in 24 June elections


On Sunday the peoples of Turkey will go to the polls in one of the elections most unfair and uneven ever held in the 150 years of Turkey’s elections history

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Turkey’s economy needs reliability and peace


“We invite the voters of Turkey to choose HDP’s pro-labor, environmentalist, anti-crisis, fruitful and fair program instead of the AKP’s pro-crisis, unfair, anti-labor and anti-environmentalist politics”

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