Tag "Kurdistan"

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The Feminization of Kurdish Politics: A Guerrilla’s Sociological Analysis


For Kurdish society and Kurdish women, the 40-year-old struggle that has been pioneered by the Kurdish freedom movement and its leadership carries the meaning of a re-birth

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ROJAVA IN SEPTEMBER An Interview whit Orsola Casagrande


“I saw the passion with which men and women are building a new society”. An Interview with journalist, writer and radical activist Orsola Casagrande

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Turkey launches new aggression against Iraq and Syria


Turkish troops fired across the border on November 1, killing a six-year-old girl in the northern Syrian village of Til Findir

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Un libro di poesie dal Kurdistan per apprezzare il valore della libertà


Autunno è il titolo di un piccolo, prezioso libro di poesie, pensieri, frammenti di vite. Un libro di appunti partigiani dal Kurdistan, come recita il sottotitolo

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The Party of Kurdistan’s “Third Revolution”


The PKK’s engagement with socialism is the search for an answer to the question of why the “revolutionary spirit” failed to find institution until now

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Rojava – More Unprovoked Turkish Aggression


“Turkey’s attacks on the Kobani countryside and Tel Ebyid villages is considered as giving ISIS aid to organize it’s ranks…” said Hakki Kobani, for the SDF

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Kobane University, a year on


The University in Kobane opened in September 2017 with 45 students. This year 120 people have already enrolled and the number is growing

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Refugees. Visit to Maxmur Camp


In Maxmur refugees have organised themselves following the principles and model of the Democratic Autonomy envisaged by Abdullah Ocalan.

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“On the detentions against the HDP members ahead of local elections”


Friday 26 October, with Turkey’s local election date just announced, Turkish local elections are set to take place on March 31, 2019

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Rojava Revolution – From Sewage to Civil Society…


“The dream of the Middle Eastern uprisings, of the Syrian revolution, will perish if the Syrian people do not take up the cause of Democratic Autonomy and confederal revolution”

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DAY 256 – AFRIN UPDATE Who, is Listening?


October 2 was 256 days, 37 weeks “of violations…killing, and displacement” as well as the “seventh month of international silence on letting the murder, abuse, and looting be carried out in the Afrin area

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TEV-DEM Muslim talks about Idlib and need to build trust for real talks


TEV-DEM International Department chair, Salih Muslim said Turkey has a difficult choice ahead as to what to do with the mercenaries terror groups it has promoted and sponsored

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Radio Kobane: Resistance on air


The radio was the only media available as electricity was being cut just before the attack by DAESH on Kobane in 2014

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A Letter by the Cellmates of Executed Kurds


In the early hours of  September 8, three Kurdish prisoners — Zanyar Moradi, Loghman Moradi and Ramin Hossein Panahi — were executed without prior notice, ignoring international pleas to spare their lives

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The battle of Idlib Province in Syria is decisive and crucial for the future of Rojava


This article is a brief analysis of the future of Rojava in Syria in line with the attack of Assad’s forces on Idlib’s Province

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Ramin Hossein Panahi, Iranian Kurd, Murdered by Regime…


Early Saturday morning, this 8 September 2018, the long wait regarding the life of Iranian Kurd, Ramin Hossein Panahi, came to an end

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My experience with Communes and Committees in Rojava


My Rojava experience began with six months in the YPG during the campaign to liberate Raqqa from Daesh

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Not scared to fight: Why I left Russia for the ecological struggle in Rojava


My interest in Rojava and Kurdistan ignited after a long time spent searching for a similar model or concept inside the Russian movement

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AFRIN OCCUPIED Turkey Condemned Again (and again)…


“Turkey must stop serious violations by allied groups and its own forces in Afrin…”  – Amnesty International

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