Tag "Kurdistan"

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# RiseUp4Rojava – Call for global days of action on 27 and 28 January 2019


#RiseUp4Rojava – Defending the revolution together – Call for Global Days of Action on 27 and 28 January 2019

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Sulla pelle dei curdi hanno costruito un capolavoro di menzogne


Le bugie, anche quelle effimere, a Trump sono necessarie per uscire dal pantano mediorientale. Come era già avvenuto nei giorni scorsi con la missione di Bolton in Israele

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La Procura di Torino persegue i giovani italiani combattenti contro l’Isis


Italia/Rojava. La procura di Torino chiede l’applicazione della misura restrittiva prevista dal Codice Rocco per cinque giovani andati in Siria con le Ypg curde

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“Imperialism Has No Friends”


Two strategies, one goal: the United States and the Kurdish movement in Syria

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The Threat to Rojava


An Anarchist in Syria Speaks on the Real Meaning of Trump’s Withdrawal

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Solidarity with the Kurdish struggle… without Öcalan?


The Kurdish movement is being attacked on all political, societal, military, and ideological levels. In the circles that we move in, people are conscious of the state repression against the movement in Europe

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New groups of prisoners to join hunger strike


Deniz Kaya made a statement on behalf of PKK and PAJK prisoners. He said that 16 prisoners have entered the 6th day of their indefinite hunger strike

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“We defend Northern Syria and Rojava because we defend a world without fascism and patriarchy”


Erdogan and the AKP- MHP fascists have shown with the recent bombings of already displaced people in the camp in Maxmur and Yazidis in Şengal their will to invade also Rojava/Northern Syria

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Guerra in Siria, il «ritiro» di Trump sulla pelle dei combattenti curdi del Rojava


Quando il gioco si fa duro – politicamente serio – Trump se ne va da Siria e Afghanistan mollando al loro destino gli alleati curdi e il fragile governo di Kabul, assediato da talebani e affiliati dell’Isis

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“Turkey’s Latest Invasion Plans Must be Stopped – Rojava Must Survive”


In a speech on 12 December, Erdogan threatened to launch a major military operation “east of the Euphrates” within “a few days” to cleanse the territory of Kurdish forces

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the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights who have continuously monitored the civil war in Syria, have identified an increase in US military activity in the area close to the Turkish Border

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Solidaridad con la diputada kurda Leyla Güven en huelga de hambre en una carcel turca


Leyla Güven es una parlamentaria kurda, electa por el HDP (Partido Democrático de los Pueblos) en las últimas elecciones legislativas

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Turkey’s Hour of Reckoning in Syria


Secretary of Defence James Mattis dropped a bombshell by innocuously slipping in that the US military intends to set up a string of observation posts on the Syrian-Turkish border

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“As local elections in Turkey loom, reckless war-mongering begins”


Speaking at the Turkish Defense Industry Summit, Erdoğan has announced that an operation would begin within days towards the East of Euphrates in North Syria

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“Turkey’s attack on Rojava resuscitates ISIS” (Kurdish National Congress)


The Executive Council of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) released a statement on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s continued threats against Northern Syria

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ENOUGH WAR ! Time for Democracy in Turkey?


Wednesday, December 12, Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, announced plans for his new military adventure against the Kurds

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Jury fails to agree on verdict in trial of Kurdish journalist


(Australia) NSW Supreme Court judge Lucy McCallum discharged the jury on December 6 after it failed to agree on a verdict in the trial of Kurdish journalist Renas Lelikan on “foreign fighter” charges under Australia’s draconian “anti-terrorism” laws.   Lelikan

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The historical meanings of the Kurdish revolution


Democratic Confederalism is based on community autonomies of various levels, on participatory democracies of sectors, peoples and cultural groups of society, on ecological sustainability and on the woman as the subject of transformation

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Afrin: The long list of Turkish crimes


A detailed report listed all crimes against humanity carried out in Afrin by Turkish state and its mercenary allies

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Sold Out for Play on Kurdistan in Milan


‘The country that is not – Journey through the mountains people’, is a play by Gianluigi Gherzi and Fabrizio Saccomanno

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