Tag "Kars"

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TURKEY: Detentions and arrests of HDP representatives continue… 0


Statement by Foreign Affairs Spokespersons regarding the recent arrests in Kars, including co-mayor Ms Sevin Alaca and 15 local politicians

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Repressione continua in Turchia, 82 mandati di cattura per esponenti Hdp 0


La procura di Ankara li accusa di incitamento alla violenza e omicidio. Tra gli arrestati c’è il co-sindaco di Kars. Le proteste, esplose dopo l’ingresso dell’Isis nella città siriana, furono uccisi decine di manifestanti 

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Demolition of monument to humanity violated rights of sculptor


The Constitutional Court ruled that the demolition of the “Monument to Humanity” in Kars violated the right to freedom of expression of its author

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