Tag "International Criminal Court"

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Carla Del Ponte: per fare funzionare la giustizia internazionale manca la volontà politica


Carla Del Ponte ha dedicato la sua vita alla giustizia, a cominciare dal suo impegno come procuratrice capo del Tribunale Internazionale per i crimini nell’ex Jugoslavia e sul genocidio in Ruanda. Qui è intervistata per il 18° Rapporto sui diritti globali

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Sanciones de EEUU a la Corte Penal Internacional: reacción colectiva de 67 Estados 0


El pasado 11 de junio, Estados Unidos anunció oficialmente sanciones contra el personal de la Corte Penal Internacional

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Colombian activists deliver letter about killings of social leaders to the ICC


A group of around 20 Colombian activist collectives delivered a formal request to the International Criminal Court for it open a criminal investigation about the mass killings of social leaders in their country

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Palestine accession to Rome Statute and other international instruments


Last January 6th, United Nations Secretary General issued a note indicating that the Rome Statute, the treaty that establishes the International Criminal Court (ICC), will enter into force as to the State of Palestine on April 1st , 2015

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