Tag "Hunger Strike"

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Iran – Ongoing Vendetta against Nasrin Sotoudeh 0


On September 26, Nasrin Sotoudeh, with her health deteriorating, broke her hunger strike, which had been ongoing since August 11 in defence of Iran’s political prisoners

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Grup Yorum member Gökçek: 304 days on death fast


İbrahim Gökçek, a member of Group Yorum, who has been on death fast for 304 days, said that there is no other way than resist and called on people to play their part

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Lawyers visited Leyla Güven to convey Öcalan’s message to the hunger strikers


Öcalan’s lawyers have visited DTK Co-chair and HDP MP Leyla Güven who has been on an indefinite hunger strike for 198 days demanding the end of the isolation regime executed against Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan

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Why are 162 Kurdish political prisoners on hunger strike?


Sarah Glynn, committee member of Scottish Solidarity with Kurdistan, explains the context behind a mass hunger strike in Turkish prisons

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Sinn Fein MEP calls for international action for Leyla Guven


Sinn Féin MEP Martina Anderson has called for international action in support of Kurdish politician Leyla Guven who is currently on hunger strike and is now in critical condition

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Sinn Fein sends solidarity to Kurdish MP on hunger strike


Sinn Féin MP Michelle Gildernew has send solidarity to a Kurdish MP currently on hunger strike and called for the release of political prisoners in Turkish jails

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FARC Santrich transferred to prison


FARC former commander has been on hunger strike for 19 days

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Kurdish Political Prisoner’s Hunger Strike Ends after 63 Days


Rosa Gilbert: “As political prisoners continue to suffer in Turkish jails, silence amounts to complicity with the newly empowered fascist regime of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Be a voice against silence.”

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there is now serious concern that after an unbelievable 54 days on hunger strike (as of April 9th) a number of prisoners are passing the point of no return

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