Tag "Hdp"

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It is imperative that world opinion send a clear message that the Syrian people, including the Turkish people, the Kurds, and all the other minorities living in the region, have had enough of war

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Solidaridad con la diputada kurda Leyla Güven en huelga de hambre en una carcel turca


Leyla Güven es una parlamentaria kurda, electa por el HDP (Partido Democrático de los Pueblos) en las últimas elecciones legislativas

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“As local elections in Turkey loom, reckless war-mongering begins”


Speaking at the Turkish Defense Industry Summit, Erdoğan has announced that an operation would begin within days towards the East of Euphrates in North Syria

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Against the ECHR judgment, the AKP has accelerated its pursuit for a move to ‘finish the job’


Political pressure has already begun for the Appeal Court to hear and uphold the Istanbul Aggravated Felony Court’s completely unlawful sentence of 4-year-and-8-months imprisonment ruled last month in the case where I was tried with my colleague Sırrı Süreyya Önder

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“Release Selahattin Demirtaş, Turkey!” European Court of Human Rights


In November 2016, Selahattin Demirtaş, along with 12 other HDP (Halkların Demokratik Partisi) members of the Turkish parliament were arrested on ‘terror’-related charges for which he currently faces up to 142 years imprisonment if convicted

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Multa della Corte europea a Erdogan: la Turchia rilasci Demirtas, leader dell’Hdp


Turchia. In prigione da due anni e 10 giorni, non è mai andato a processo: su di lui accuse da 142 anni di galera

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“On the detentions against the HDP members ahead of local elections”


Friday 26 October, with Turkey’s local election date just announced, Turkish local elections are set to take place on March 31, 2019

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In Turchia cariche e decine di arresti al raduno delle madri dei desaparecidos


Turchia. Lacrimogeni e proiettili di gomma contro l’iniziativa, giunta al 700° appuntamento. Quasi 800 i civili scomparsi tra il 1992 e il 1996, nelle mani di esercito e polizia

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Turkey looks ahead to a strongman era


In the latest test of his leadership, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan proved once more why he is Turkey’s most preeminent politician and its most dominant leader since Mustafa Kemal Attaturk

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I poteri assoluti del turbo-nazionalista Erdogan


Patria e religione. Il consenso a Erdogan non viene meno, mentre cresce quello al’ultradestra dell’Mhp, i Lupi Grigi

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Erdogan wins most unfair and unjust elections


The AKP-MHP fascist alliance gote the majority in Parliament

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Turchia, Erdogan vince al primo turno e accresce il proprio potere personale


All’uomo che governa il Paese da 16 anni è andato più del 52% dei voti. Fermata una volontaria italiana: «Propaganda terrorista»

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Turkish Presidential Candidate Demirtaş: “I am running for president in Turkey, from my prison cell”


“The only hope for a liberal, democratic future lies in our coming together to defeat the authoritarian regime.” Selahattin Demirtaş

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Si vota in Turchia, in tv c’è soltanto Erdogan, il monitoraggio è autogestito


Turchia. Oltre 180 ore sulla rete pubblica, 32 minuti per Demirtas. Cacciati due osservatori Osce. Si vota domani, opposizioni e media indipendenti si organizzano contro i brogli

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HDP Kürkçü: Future of Turkish democracy at stake in 24 June elections


On Sunday the peoples of Turkey will go to the polls in one of the elections most unfair and uneven ever held in the 150 years of Turkey’s elections history

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Turkey’s economy needs reliability and peace


“We invite the voters of Turkey to choose HDP’s pro-labor, environmentalist, anti-crisis, fruitful and fair program instead of the AKP’s pro-crisis, unfair, anti-labor and anti-environmentalist politics”

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Turkish Presidential Candidate Demirtaş Speaks – From Prison


17th June: Selahattin Demirtaş, jailed presidential candidate for the Kurdish-backed Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), made his presidential campaign speech on the state broadcaster TRT

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Turchia, il candidato Selahattin Demirtas rimane in carcere


l’appello per la scarcerazione di Selahattin Demirtas, in quanto candidato alle presidenziali del 24 giugno in Turchia, non è stato accolto dalle autorità giudiziarie

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