Tag "Hdp"

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DTK co-chair and HDP Hakkari MP Leyla Güven took her place in Parliament today


Democratic Society Congress (DTK) co-chair and HDP Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven, was sworn in and took her place in the Assembly

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Erciş, or the transformation of a province


With a population of 250 thousand Erciş is one of the largest provinces of Van, in North Kurdistan

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Öcalan: The Third Way is the way


Asrın Law Office published a written statement about the meeting they had with their client, Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan on Imralı on June 18

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Turkey – Damned Again…


Turkey has continued to move further away from the European Union,” noted the commission in its annual report on enlargement, the European Commission’s  report on Ankara’s progress towards membership

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From Kurdistan to Great Britain – Why hunger strikes matter


It is only with our knowledge and understanding of our own history that we can see the impact hunger strikes can have in the fight against oppression and tyranny. Our own history of struggle has been shaped and redefined by these acts. That’s why hunger strikes matter, from Kurdistan to Great Britain

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Lawyers visited Leyla Güven to convey Öcalan’s message to the hunger strikers


Öcalan’s lawyers have visited DTK Co-chair and HDP MP Leyla Güven who has been on an indefinite hunger strike for 198 days demanding the end of the isolation regime executed against Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan

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Turchia. Nuove elezioni il 23 giugno, tutti contro Erdogan: a Istanbul opposizioni unite


La sinistra non si ricandida: appoggerà il vincitore Imamoglu (Chp). Proteste in strada, condanne di Ue e degli imprenditori turchi. Akp: «Passo verso la democrazia». Ma stavolta il rais rischia

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Turkey – Hunger Strikes. HDP writes letter to the international community on death fasts


Peoples’ Democratic Party vice co-chair Hişyar Özsoy wrote a letter to the international community regarding the 15 political prisoners who have turned their hunger strike into a “death fast”

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What Next in Afrin?


Over a year has passed since the might of NATO’s second largest military machine with its fighter jets overran what had one of the safest regions in a Syria gutted by years of civil war and bloodshed

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Open Letter to UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt


Seven Kurdish political prisoners in Turkey have taken their own lives in the last three weeks

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Kurdistan. La lotta di Zülküf e degli altri morti in cella per non essere isolati


Da novembre sono oltre 7mila i curdi che rifiutano il cibo dentro e fuori le carceri turche. Negli ultimi mesi otto detenuti  si sono tolti la vita come estremo gesto di protesta

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Turkey: the wondrous tale of democratic resilience


All the country’s democratic and civic institutions — from an impartial judiciary to its newspapers and universities — have been battered by the ruling party

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Turchia dopo il voto. Erdogan sa già dove reagire: nel Rojava


Erdogan resiste nell’Anatolia profonda, ma cede nelle grandi città. La risposta è dietro l’angolo: una nuova operazione contro i curdi. Quella che anche il rivale Chp appoggerebbe

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Elezioni in Turchia. Le città contro Erdogan, l’Akp perde Ankara e Istanbul


Elezioni amministrative, il partito di governo annuncia ricorsi. Prima sconfitta elettorale in 17 anni: il Chp vince grazie all’appoggio dell’Hdp. Ma il presidente mantiene il controllo delle istituzioni e dell’esercito

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Turchia alle urne, minaccia di annullamento per il voto delle città


Oggi le amministrative. L’Akp rischia a Smirne, Istanbul e Ankara. Erdogan annuncia: sindaci eletti destituiti se «legati al terrorismo»

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HDP’s report on pre-election period


The report prepared by our Commission On Election Affairs regarding the election violations at the ahead of upcoming Turkey’s March 31 local elections

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Turkey’s Erdogan facing resistance to his dictatorial rule


“Democracy is like a tram; you get off when you have reached your destination.” The comment by Recep Tayyip Erdogan – made more than 20 years ago when he was first elected mayor of Istanbul – sums up the Machiavellian cynicism of Turkey’s authoritarian president

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“Your Struggle is Mine”: Revolutionary Letters to Leyla Güven


On February 11, HDP MP Leyla Güven, was on the 96th day of her hunger strike protesting against the isolation of the PKK’s (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) imprisoned leader Abdullah Öcalan

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Sostegno internazionale delle donne per Leyla Guven, da 87 giorni in sciopero della fame


Turchia. La parlamentare dell’Hdp Guven continua lo sciopero della fame dopo il rilascio e continua a chiedere la fine dell’isolamento del leader del Pkk Ocalan

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PACE calls on Turkey to release Leyla Güven


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) met on Monday and Tuesday in Strasbourg

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