Tag "Diyarbakir"

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SUR: The Turkish state’s systematic destruction and commercialization of a World Heritage Site


The following report describes the developments in Sur from 2015 until January 2019. It was presented in February 2019 at the “International NGO forum on World Heritage”

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Turkish Police likely killers of Tahir Elçi


Tahir Elçi, the Kurdish human rights lawyer, was shot dead in Diyarbakır, in Turkey’s Kurdish southeast (Northern Kurdistan), on November 28, 2015, while holding a press conference calling for peace in the region

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“A Difficult Year in Turkey”? You’re tellin’ me…


International Observatory of Human Rights have added to the long list of the country’s human rights violations in their recent 2018 in Review: Human Rights Violations in Turkey

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Sostegno internazionale delle donne per Leyla Guven, da 87 giorni in sciopero della fame


Turchia. La parlamentare dell’Hdp Guven continua lo sciopero della fame dopo il rilascio e continua a chiedere la fine dell’isolamento del leader del Pkk Ocalan

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The theory and practice of the Kurdish Women’s Movement: an interview in Diyarbakir


One of the undisputed achievements of the Kurdish movement in Turkey and Syria is the advancement of women in social, economic, and political domains of life

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Human Rights. TURKEY ON ‘TRIAL’  Finally


the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal will meet on 15 & 16 March to examine the crimes committed by the Turkish Republic against the Kurdish people, both on its own (and Kurdish) territory and abroad

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HDP Deputy İdris Baluken was sentenced by the Diyarbakir 8th High Criminal Court to 16 years and eight months in jail

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Poem in November. In memory of Tahir Elçi & Sergio Finardi


Tahir Elçi, Kurdish Lawyer and Human Rights defender, assassinated November 28, 2015 in Diyarbakir; Sergio Finardi, human rights defenders, died 03 December, 2015, Chicago

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On a day this week, 28 November, 2015, Tahir Elçi, Kurd, Lawyer and Human Rights defender was shot in Diyarbakir, Northern Kurdistan

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Cegerxwîn Academy of Arts: resisting cultural genocide


Ilhan Bakir is the director of the Cegerxwîn Cultural Center in Amed (Diyarbakir) and it is here, in the center’s confortable building that we meet him

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Turchia. Il racconto dei professori di Izmir e Diyarbakir, epurati dall’Università


“Per noi curdi c’è stato un periodo d’oro, terminato nel 2014, ci era permesso di studiare la nostra lingua madre”

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La politica antikurda di Ankara, tra energia e macerie 0


Kurdistan. L’impatto delle distruttive politiche governative sul sud est del paese: Ankara punta alle sue ricchezze e ad una ricostruzione gentrificatrice

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Turchia: due secoli in prigione per Demirtas e Yuksekdag


Turchia. Le richieste del procuratore di Diyarbakir: 142 anni per il co-presidente dell’Hdp, 83 per la co-presidente. Le accuse vanno da gestione di organizzazione terroristica a incitamento alla violenza. Tutte basate su discorsi pubblici

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Turkey Condemned for Forced Exodus of Kurds from Diyarbakir


Tuesday, 6th December 2016, Amnesty International release their report “DISPLACED AND DISPOSSESSED: SUR RESIDENTS’ RIGHT TO RETURN HOME”.

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Arrestato l’editore di Cumhuriyet, da venerdì 441 i membri dell’Hdp incarcerati


Turchia. Erdogan prosegue con la campagna epurativa delle opposizioni grazie al sostegno di una stampa e una magistratura purgate. Chiesto l’ergastolo per i 9 giornalisti del kurdo Ozgur Gundem

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Kurkçu: I miei colleghi deputati presi in ostaggio dal regime di Erdogan


L’arresto dei deputati dell’HDP conferma che Erdo?an è disposto ad usare qualunque mezzo necessario per fermare l’opposizione kurda e democratica in Turchia

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Ancora arresti nell’Hdp, la base si prepara a resistere


Turchia. I co-presidenti trasferiti in carceri di massima sicurezza, mentre viene confermato l’arresto di 9 giornalisti di Cumhuriyet. Benivan Atalas, Hdp: «È una repressione sistematica e di lungo termine portata avanti con la detenzione fisica»

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«La strategia turca della guerra da Diyarbakir a Mosul»


Kurdistan. Intervista al giornalista turco Murat Cinar: «Erdogan ha cambiato strategia per salvarsi e ora colpisce chi due anni fa è stato protagonista del processo di pace con i kurdi»

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Aybo?a: “We are facing yet another attack on kurdish people”


We asked Ercan Aybo?a, representative of the Mesopotamian Ecology Movement and author of the book “The Rojava Revolution”, his assessment of the latest events in Amed

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