Tag "Brazil"

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Prisoners in Colombia and Brazil face coronavirus pandemic alone 0


There are 1,297 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and four deaths in Colombian prisons (on 27 May). In Brazil 755 cases of coronavirus and 29 deaths in prisons across the country

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Crísis diplomática a raíz de los incendios en la Amazonía brasileña


Este 24 de agosto, las autoridades brasileñas finalmente ordenaron al Ejército iniciar tareas de apoyo en las labores para intentar contener las llamas que han afectado desde varios días amplias extensiones de bosques amazónicos

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Brazil prison riots leave at least 57 dead 


At least fifty-seven prisoners died, sixteen of them allegedly beheaded, after the rebellion in a prison in Altamira, in the northern state of Pará, in Brazil

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‘The Edge of Democracy’ sheds light on Brazil teetering on the brink


Petra Costa’s The Edge of Democracy is a sprawling nonfiction epic depicting the rise, then fall from power of Brazil’s Workers’ Party (TP), with the senate’s removal from office of left-leaning President Dilma Rousseff

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Cuban doctors to leave Brazil courtesy of Jair Bolsonaro


Cuba’s Ministry of Public Health announced Nov. 14 that some 8,000 Cuban doctors providing health care in Brazil will be returning to Cuba. The action was in response to Brazilian president-elect Jair Bolsonaro’s harsh criticism of their presence in Brazil

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Traslado de embajada brasileña en Israel a Jerusalén: la OCI condena anuncio hecho por nuevas autoridades electas de Brasil


El pasado 3 de noviembre, la Organización para la Cooperación Islámica (OCI) advirtió a las nuevas autoridades electas de Brasil sobre su decisión de trasladar su sede diplomática de Tel Aviv a Jerusalén

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