Tag "Amed"

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Kurdistan. Tra coronavirus e crisi economica, una città avvolta nel dolore 0


Amed (Diyarbakır) è una delle città più importanti del Medio Oriente, della Turchia e del Kurdistan. Commercianti, operai, contadini sono stati lasciati soli ad affrontare sia il Coronavirus che la crisi economica

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Conversación sobre el film kurdo Por la Libertad (Ji Bo Azadiye) 0


Nuestra primera intención fue responder a ¿qué fuerza llevó a 50-60 jóvenes a resistir un asedio de más de 100 días?

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UK actress Maxine Peake sent message to World Day Rally in Amed


Maxine Peake was part of the 2019 International Peace Delegation to İmralı which earlier this year, from 11-16 February 2019, traveled to Turkey and the Turkish region of Kurdistan

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Suspended HDP co-mayor call for international support


Selcuk Mizrakli, the illegally suspended mayor of Amed has issued a call to the international community

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