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Senado de México aprueba Acuerdo de Escazú 0


El pasado jueves 5 de noviembre, se informó que el Senado mexicano aprobó el Acuerdo de Escazú (véase nota de prensa oficial de Naciones Unidas y esta muy completa nota publicada en Colombia).

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Conversación sobre el film kurdo Por la Libertad (Ji Bo Azadiye) 0


Nuestra primera intención fue responder a ¿qué fuerza llevó a 50-60 jóvenes a resistir un asedio de más de 100 días?

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Entrevista con Remziye Tosun, diputada del HDP, condenada a 10 años de prisión 0


La acusación es parte del intento de castigar a todos los que sobrevivieron al asedio de Sur por parte del ejercito turco, entre el 2015 y el 2016

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Appello per l’annullamento della condanna a morte di Abdurrahman Er e Mazlum Dağ 0


Abdurrahman Er e Mazlum Dağ sono stati condannati a morte, l’11 febbraio 2020, dalla Seconda Sala del Tribunale Penale di Erbil nella regione autonoma del Kurdistan Iracheno

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EH Bildu-Esquerra Republicana Group asked Spanish Government about Er and Dağ  0


Senators of the Parliamentary Group Esquerra Republicana – Euskal Herria Bildu at the Spanish Parliament have tabled a question to the Spanish Government about the death sentence handed out to Abdurrahman Er and Mazlum Dağ in South Kurdistan

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Day of the Imprisoned Writer: Turkish writers behind bars 0


Sadly Turkey once again rises to the ‘top of the heap’ when it comes to international protests and campaigns. Holding almost 300,000 of its citizens behind bars

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World Kobanê Day and the revolution in Rojava 0


On 1st November 2014, millions of people around the world took to the streets to express their solidarity with the heroic resistance of Kobanê

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#CoronaCapitalism: Riots, resistance and releases – the Coronavirus and the prison industrial complex 0


The Corona virus is creating huge ruptures in the prison industrial complex, leading to the first instances of major corona-related social unrest and urgent calls for prisoner solidarity and prison abolition

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Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas: elección de Bolivia, Cuba y México 0


El pasado 13 de octubre, en el marco de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas, se procedió a elecciones para renovar las vacantes en el seno del Consejo de Derechos Humanos

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Iran – Ongoing Vendetta against Nasrin Sotoudeh 0


On September 26, Nasrin Sotoudeh, with her health deteriorating, broke her hunger strike, which had been ongoing since August 11 in defence of Iran’s political prisoners

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TURKEY: Detentions and arrests of HDP representatives continue… 0


Statement by Foreign Affairs Spokespersons regarding the recent arrests in Kars, including co-mayor Ms Sevin Alaca and 15 local politicians

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Freedom for Ocalan! Peace for Kurdistan! 0


The campaign “End Isolation, Fascism and Occupation – Time for Freedom” was launched on 12 September. The Kurds have now declared that 10 October will be a global Freedom for Ocalan Day.

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“Helicopter torture” of two Kurdish villagers in Van: Servet Turgut died! 0


On 11 September 2020, Turkish soldiers detained two villagers in Catak District of Van, namely, Mr Servet Turgut (55), father of 7 children, and Mr Osman Şiban (50), father of 8 children

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 Peace in Kurdistan condemns the attack on the HDP 0


Turkish authorities have issued arrest warrants for 82 people, including former mayors and MPs of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and the Party’s current Central Executive Board

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Ireland – Regime of Fear in Women’s Prison 0


Amid world-wide concern for the health and well being of prisoners during the coronavirus pandemic the hidden plague of abuse and ill treatment of the most vulnerable in Irish society once again raises its head in Ireland

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 “What we are facing in Rojava is a door in to the future” – Video Interview 0


In this video, Séamas Carraher, a Global Rights writer and an Irish poet is interviewed by journalist Erem Kansoy with support from the Peace in Kurdistan Campaign and the Freedom for Ocalan Campaign

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Perfidious Albion


The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, warned the British government that any reneging on its responsibilities will mean that Britain’s signature on everything from trade agreements to Treasury bonds will be worthless

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A dos años de la apertura a la firma del Acuerdo de Escazú en Naciones Unidas: apuntes sobre ausentes


Este próximo 26 de setiembre, se cumplirán 2 años desde la apertura a la firma del Acuerdo de Escazú en Naciones Unidas

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The Struggle for Kobanê – A Future for Kurds? 0


This week in September marks the 6th (since September 2014) anniversary of the Islamic State/Daesh’s advance on and siege of the Kurdish city of Kobanê

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