Turkey bombed Maxmur Camp

Turkey bombed Maxmur Camp


Turkish army’s jets have bombed the vicinity of Martyr Rustem Cudi Camp (Maxmur), injuring two civilians.

Sources in Maxmur said the vicinity of the camp was bombed and two civilians were injured. There are no known casualties.

The two civilians were buried under the earth lifted by the explosions but were immediately removed and taken to the hospital by camp residents. Both civilians are doing well.

The bombing also damaged the vineyards and orchards of the camp residents.

Camp residents left their homes and gather to protest the attack.

The attack began at 00:10 and at least 3 bombs were dropped. A source in Maxmur said they heard 3 strong explosions. There were scouting flights prior and during the attack.

A camp resident told GR there are no PKK members where they live, and that the attack targeted civilian residential areas.

The Turkish state has increased systematic attacks against civilian residential areas in Southern Kurdistan.

Turkish fighter jets had bombed the Spindar village in Duhok’s Amadiya district on Friday. Three civilians were injured in the attack.

The Turkish state has been systematically targeting civilian residential areas. In an attack in late June, 3 civilians were killed and 5 others were wounded in an attack against the Kortek area in Qandil.

This is not the first time the Turkish state has targeted the Maxmur Refugee Camp where over 12.000 refugees are settled.

In an airstrike on December 13, 2018, 4 civilians responsible for the safety of Maxmur had lost their lives.

Both the Iraqi government and the KDP-controlled regional government in Hewler continue to remain silent on the attacks against civilian residential areas and the camp.

Tags assigned to this article:
Maxmur CampPkkSouthern KurdistanTurkey

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