‘You too can succeed’, says Berivan Elif K?l?ç

by Read More from GlobalRights | 20 Febbraio 2014 12:36


The BDP is continuing its election campaign in the Karaz (Kocaköy) district of Amed province.
Berivan Elif K?l?ç, the co-mayoral candidate in Karaz, is seen as an example for women in the region. For years she suffered violence at the hands of her husband. Berivan Elif K?l?ç told us about her life.

‘They married me off at 16’

K?l?ç, who said she had become a candidate in order to represent women, and that they wanted to govern the district together with women, explained the turning points in her life thus: “When I was 15 I was engaged to my maternal cousin. At 16 I was married and at 17 I was a mother. I got a divorce when I was 28. I have 2 children and for 5 years I have been living with my family.”
K?l?ç said that her life had not been easy, and that she had had to wage a tough struggle to survive, adding that her life changed when she was taken out of school and married off.

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Source URL: https://www.dirittiglobali.it/2014/02/you-too-can-succeed-says-berivan-elif-kl/