Solar panels on Nagoya expressway signal a milestone


The panels’ total output is the largest-ever generated by solar-powered systems used on an expressway in Japan, the electronics maker said June 10.

In previous cases, solar-powered systems installed along an expressway only generated about 100 kilowatts for each location, according to East Nippon Expressway Co.

The solar-powered system produces 2,180 megawatts annually, equivalent to the electricity use of 460 households per year.

The expressway, built around the city of Nagoya, is 42 kilometers long. The 12.7-kilometer stretch where the panels are mounted runs between the Nagoya-Minami junction and the Takabari junction, and opened in March.

Forty percent of all the electricity consumed along that segment, including the lighting and toll booths, will be generated by the solar-panel system

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